I like the way you look and here are the comics

Hey you! Here's a nice zip of all the TF2 comics released so far. Load them up into your favorite ebook reader and have a blast reading through the whole series on your tablet or whatever.

Details: Each comic is there as a pdf, including those which were not downloadable as pdfs in the first place. I know, right?! Every comic has its publication date in the file name, and the file's creation date kinda matches too. I also included some random extras from the TF2 comics page, and the Catch-up Comic.

I guess I'll update the zip every time Valve releases a new comic; it's pretty fast, now that they always offer a pdf download. (wait, now they seem to only offer CBR; good enough)

I'll also have you know that all the stuff included in this zip is Valve's property, and that I deny all responsibility for you dying from laughter or something. Seriously, they're worrisomely good at humor.

Click here to download the 2017-02-09 edition!